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What's it got to do with Twin Peaks ?

Hej guys !

Guess what!! I got a place to base my business !!!

I cannot begin to tell you what a difference this will make. I have spent the last year driving back and forth, dropping the girls off at school in the city, going home to try and get some work done before turning around and heading back to pick them up... 4 hours a day of driving !!

Add into the mix the usual commitments that we all have of supermarket shopping, cleaning, walking the dog, making dinner etc plus the odd day working at school and a day is over and done with before you can blink. This naturally left VERY little time for me to really focus on getting Nordnic illustrations up and running and it has been a really frustrating time.

I have longed to have my own business... it is what I had done for the last 6 years or so in the UK and I was really missing it ( I was a holistic therapist and had a sideline in art and crafts). I was beginning to miss my sense of me and began to wonder... who am I now? What is my purpose?

Of course, I am the same person that I have always been, but, when we moved from England to Skellefteå, we not only left behind our nearest and dearest, we also left behind a large part of who we are. Our place in society, our connection to our community, and our day to day commitments and routines that give us a sense of purpose... our daily achievements that give us a feeling of self satisfaction and worth. Sure, it was an absolute joy and a privilege to be allowed to step out of all of that for some time. To unleash the ties of the every day that often make us feel bogged down and like we are on a monotonous hamster wheel but when does the break get too long ?

For me, it was 12 months !

I started to get an itch... I needed direction and drive again and I wanted more than anything to pour all of the wonderful inspiration, ideas and excitement that I had stored up in my brain into a creative venture and so I set up, Nordnic Illustrations.

The actual setting up as a self employed person took 12 weeks, something I had not anticipated, but things can go slow here !! It has been a slow, at times very frustrating but extremely enlightening process so far. Often times I feel like I am getting no where, that I don't have the time to give the business what it deserves to truly make it a success. But actually when I sit back and look at what I have managed to achieve, it's not so bad considering that everything is new here to me. I have met some wonderful people and created some fantastic connections and so too I have finally found a place to work from !!

After months of driving back and forth or finding places in the library or a coffeeshop to settle myself, I now have a desk in a lovely building and it is making such a difference already... and its only day 2 !!

Being able to sit and focus without feeling guilty about the laundry basket being full or the bathroom that needs cleaning is amazing ! I am so much more productive and know that with this new opportunity I can really make great strides... I finally feel like I have a purpose other than Mum, wife, taxi driver and housekeeper... I am a business owner and it feels great !!!

So, the new place I am working from is a building called The Great Northern (newly named House Be) in Skellefteå town itself, set down close to the river. It has been used in the past as the city library, a dance hall and a leisure centre before being revamped into the fabulous place that it is now.

A meeting place and working space for many entrepreneurs and creatives and the theme of the building is based upon the 90's cult classic TV series 'Twin Peaks'!

Skellefteå has been likened to the town where Twin Peaks is set and I have to say that I am loving the references, from the names of the different rooms to the wifi password !!

I feel like I can make real headway here and already I find myself surrounded by amazing women all making a difference in one way or another... from fashion and interior designers to the wonderful ladies at Expats and friends in Skellefteå who helped me secure this spot... so cool !

Get ready for some exciting stuff !!

Think I need to go and watch Twin Peaks !!

Much love,

Nic xx

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6 תגובות

25 במרץ 2023

I'm so happy for you that you got a workspace in town. You've been doing a great job driving the girls to school.

29 במרץ 2023
בתשובה לפוסט של

Thankyou Lena !! It is fantastic and makes such a huge difference in time and energy !!! I love it xx


Alison Hyett
Alison Hyett
24 במרץ 2023

Sounds wonderful! Wishing you lots of luck in your new adventure x

29 במרץ 2023
בתשובה לפוסט של

Thankyou so much Alison !! I love it here, it's got a great feeling in this building ! xx


Susan Myers
Susan Myers
22 במרץ 2023

The very best of luck with all you do , I’m sure your future will be very exciting and full of great things. New beginnings yet again 🤗Sue Myers

29 במרץ 2023
בתשובה לפוסט של

Thankyou Susun !!! Exciting times ahead and great to have your support along the way too xxx

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